Meet Zemar
Certified Break-up and Divorce Coach
In 1995, I ran away from an abusive marriage with my then 1 year old daughter. At the time, I knew that in order to rebuild our lives again, I needed to return back to England in order to be able to get the personal safety and financial stability I so desperately craved in my first marriage. I was fortunate that we decided to have a civil marriage in London, therefore I was able to commence divorce proceedings under English law. My then husband threatened that he will not divorce me and will keep me hanging, as the laws in that country gave women very little legal rights when it came to getting a divorce. I fought to get the divorce in England. It took me over 2 years to get it and my then husband didn’t attend any of the court hearings. In fact, he decided not to take part in any of the divorce proceedings and I got the court order granting me full parental custody of our daughter. This first divorce experience led me to my legal career.
My then lawyer joked one day and remarked that I should be a lawyer because I have such a strong attention to detail, whenever I amended her draft submissions. My lawyer became my referee when I applied to law school. I have loved my legal career and it has really empowered me by giving me the intellectual challenge as well as rewarding me financially. I had a successful legal career as a commercial lawyer for around 8 years until I decided to remarry and move to New York.
In 2015, I got my second divorce in Los Angeles. At the time, I had 2 daughters, one from each marriage. Again, I decided to return back to England with my youngest daughter in order to continue pursuing my legal career. I had learned lots of lessons from my first divorce as well as from my legal career. We managed to avoid going to court altogether and we got divorced within 3 months from start to finish by using mediation. Also, I managed to negotiate with the mediator a fixed fee. So, not only did we fast track our divorce, but we minimised our legal costs as well! Since then, I reinvented my life by working my way up the corporate legal ladder to becoming the Chief Legal Executive of an international trading company and created a property investment portfolio to generate a passive income and build my capital.
However, I still felt that something in my life was missing. When I dug deep, I felt I wanted to give back. I had a calling to write a book called “From Breakup to Empowerment”, which was about my two divorces to help other professional women who are going through a breakup or divorce. It made perfect sense and I decided to create a new side business as a divorce coach. While I was writing my book, I trained to become a certified breakup and divorce coach.